sensitive-teeth5Teeth sensitivity may rarely lead to the extraction of your tooth. However, this does not mean that you can just shrug this dental condition aside. On the flip side of the coin, this condition is enough to keep you from enjoying the little but most pleasurable things in life such as eating cold desserts in the middle of a scorching summer day.

What is teeth sensitivity?

Also known as dentin hypersensitivity, this condition develops when the enamel layer of your teeth has become damaged enough so that minute amounts of external stimuli can breach through this external layer and get into the dentin and finally the pulp that contains nerve tissues. When these nerve tissues are irritated, you’ll be able to feel the sensation of pain that radiates from the very heart of your tooth.

What are the signs and symptoms of teeth sensitivity?

Teeth sensitivity has some very distinct signs and symptoms which allow Dr. Ballard and even you, yourself, to differentiate teeth sensitivity from other forms of dental pain such as an infected tooth and tooth decay. Basically, pain caused by an abscessed tooth as well as tooth decay develops in a chronic and persistent manner, and would only stop once the condition is treated with the help of root canal treatment or composite bonding procedures. On the flip side of the coin, teeth sensitivity leads to pain which only develops when the affected tooth comes in contact with the external stimulus. At the same time, the pain develops almost right away and develops just as fast as it came.

How can you treat teeth sensitivity?

There are a couple of ways that you can treat the condition and would depend according to the severity of the condition:

Anti-sensitivity Toothpaste. This type of toothpaste contains special active ingredients which act on the nerve endings found within the very heart of the tooth, allowing for the tooth to become sufficiently numbed.

Composite Bonding. This procedure basically helps to reinforce the dental enamel layer of your worn out tooth so that substances are kept out from the more sensitive inner layers. By doing this procedure, composite resin material is used to strengthen the dental enamel and keep external stimulus from getting all the way into the heart of the tooth.

Porcelain Crowns. A crown which is fitted over the tooth can also help to reinforce the entire external structure of your tooth and keep out substances from further irritating the nerve endings, thereby preventing pain from developing.

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