baby-bottleDespite the fact that your child’s milk teeth will naturally loosen and fall off, these primary teeth are still crucial to your kid’s oral health. Premature extraction of milk teeth could lead to permanent teeth not coming in at the proper positions or teeth slowly shifting out of their proper places. Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic conditions that babies and toddlers go through. When tooth decay develops in babies and toddlers, the syndrome is often referred to as the Baby Bottle Tooth Decay which is also known as the Early Childhood Dental Caries.

What is the cause of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Most of the time, this condition affects the two front teeth although the extent of the damage is not limited to them only. There are a number of causes for the onset of Early Childhood Dental Caries but the most prevalent reason is when you send your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or any other sugary drink. The condition could also be caused by too much use of a pacifier by a baby who keeps on crying.

The milk, or whatever sweet drink it is you’re giving your baby, is not the main culprit. It is the bacteria inside your baby’s mouth which is to blame. Your child was not born with cavity-causing bacteria but they are transmitted to them through contact with an adult’s saliva. These microorganisms require sugar in order for them to proliferate inside your baby’s mouth and cause substantial damage, and that is where your child’s baby bottle comes in and plays a crucial role.

Bacteria, regardless of what strain it is, rely on sugars in order for them to thrive. The problem is that whenever they metabolize these sugars, they produce acid by-products which cause the erosion of dental enamel and lead to the formation of cavities, the infamous starting point of tooth decay.

How can you prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

The most obvious way of keeping your child from developing such kind of condition is by making sure that your baby has finished his or her bottle before he or she goes to bed. And be very strict about brushing your child’s teeth before he or she goes to bed at night or naps within the day. It isn’t advisable to use toothpaste on your child before he or she reaches the age of 2, but, nevertheless, brushing is very important even without the use of toothpaste.

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