Restoration and Dental Implants in Atlanta, GA

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It is easy to lose one or more permanent teeth due to trauma or decay. Our dental implant procedure offers a permanent solution to this problem.

At Buckhead Dental Partners, we offer tooth implants to restore the beauty of your smile compromised by lost or damaged teeth. Our dental implants Atlanta professionals may provide solutions to prevent further damage and improve teeth appearance. On your first visit, Dr. Jeffery Ballard will look into your present condition. He will see if you are fit for surgery before recommending appropriate implants for you.

It will seem like you never lost a tooth. The natural look and feel of the implants we provide will ensure you can eat comfortably and smile confidently after the operation.

What are dental implants?

Tooth implants are commonly mistaken as transplants. There is a key difference.

Full Mouth Dental Reconstruction in Atlanta, GA
A transplant uses actual teeth from a donor, while implants are crafted from synthetic material. They offer permanent solution to tooth loss by replacing missing teeth. They consist of two parts: a screw—usually titanium—that is placed in the jawbone, and a false tooth placed on the screw.

Why would I need one?

Leaving gaps between teeth may lead to serious issues down the road. There are many reasons for tooth loss. Gum disease, trauma, decay, and congenital defects are among them.

Who qualifies for a tooth implant?

To go through the procedure, you must have the following qualifications: (1) You must have enough bone in your jaw to support the implant, (2) No diseases present that deteriorates bone gradually.

There is no maximum or minimum age requirement. There are, however, some serious medical conditions that may not allow you to push through. You may not qualify for the procedure if you underwent recent chemotherapy for bone marrow cancer. People with low sinuses and uncontrolled diabetes and diseases related to smoking are also not allowed.

Before undergoing any procedure, our dentists will perform full oral health exam. If you have any concerns, you can address these immediately to our professionals.

Is it painful?

The procedure itself is not painful. We use local anesthetic to numb the area. You may feel a slight discomfort, however, during your recovery. We will prescribe medication to help with any pain you may experience.

Call our office today to schedule full oral assessment for this procedure. Our dental implants Atlanta professional, Dr. Ballard, will provide the right solution for your condition.

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Our Testimonials

Dr. Ballard,
I want to thank you so much for your generous gift to me of time, service and care. Your willingness to help me was such a mighty example of the Lord’s provision. May He richly bless you and your family!! And… I wanted to thank you and your entire staff for the best experience I’ve ever had at a Dr. visit of any kind. You all manage to be highly professional and highly personable. Throughout my entire time in the office, I always felt valued and cared for as an individual. Keep up the awesome work!! Thank you so much!

– Mindy