Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is most commonly found on molars (permanent teeth in the back of the mouth). On the surface, molars have deep pits and grooves. It is here that food particles and bacteria often collect and form cavities. Even frequent brushing can’t remove all of the bacteria build up.

Sealants are made from a material that bonds to molar surfaces, in order to smooth out the pits and grooves. This flatter surface on the tooth helps regular brushing clean more effectively. What a comfort to know that your brushing efforts are cleaning more than ever before!
Simple and Painless
The application of sealants is a routine procedure. The teeth are thoroughly cleaned before the sealant is simply brushed on. A light is then used to help the sealant harden. No drilling or anesthetic are required, making it a viable solution for even the most nervous patient. Call (404) 261-0610 to schedule an appointment or you can fill out the New Patient Form.
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