There are some forms of pain which are just too excruciating and then there are other forms of pain which may be more bearable but are awkward. Teeth sensitivity is one of the conditions which brings on this kind of pain. The discomfort felt by individuals who suffer from teeth sensitivity is often described as stabbing but disappears almost as soon as it is felt.
What are the causes of teeth sensitivity?
The sensitivity manifested by the sensation of pain is due to the irritation of the nerve endings found in the pulp region. In a healthy tooth, the nerve endings are protected from outside stimuli, such as hot or cold beverages, because the enamel region tightly encases the pulp region. However, dentine hypersensitivity develops when minute pores on the enamel region are formed which allow substances to penetrate the heart of the tooth.
The minute pores could develop for a number of reasons. For instance, wear and tear could lead to the erosion of enamel crystals. This happens when you brush your teeth too vigorously. The excess friction will peel off layers from the enamel. Another cause could be the consumption of acidic foods and beverages. The exposure to these acidic substances will erode the enamel just like acid is able to damage metal.
How is teeth sensitivity treated?
Teeth sensitivity may be something which you will have to live with because the process of creating new enamel crystals, or re-mineralization, happens over a long period of time. However, the process of creating a stronger and thicker enamel layer requires that your mouth contains a number of minerals and that includes fluoride. This is the reason why Dr. Ballard and Buckhead Dental Partners in Atlanta, GA would always stress that you use dental hygiene products which contain high amounts of fluoride. There are toothpastes formulated specially for treating teeth sensitivity which contain a certain concentration of fluoride which is enough to hasten the entire process of remineralizing enamel crystals.
Another way your dentine hypersensitivity can be treated is by using a certain kind of toothpaste which numbs up the pulp region of your tooth together with all the nerve endings found in that region. And you can switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent any more damage caused by the mechanical friction generated whenever you brush your teeth. Also avoid rinsing with mouthwash since this dental hygiene product also contains acids which could aggravate the problem.
Dr. Ballard and his staff at Buckhead Dental Partners in Atlanta, GA can discuss any tooth sensitivity you have and formulate a plan to help ease your pain. Schedule an appointment today.
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