One of the most embarrassing things in life can be having bad breath. What is daunting about having halitosis is the fact that you may have it and not even know it. Those around you may be holding their breath when you speak with them, people are often too polite to mention it. Ironically, the problem with having bad breath is not that it cannot be cured—there are many easy and effective ways to treat halitosis. The problem is on knowing whether you have it or not.

Unless a good friend musters enough courage to tell you exactly what the problem is, it can often go untreated. Here are some telltale signs for you to check to see if you have bad breath or not:

Sign No. 1: Sleeping with your mouth open.

Whenever you sleep with your mouth open, you run the risk of drying your mouth out, which can cause bacteria to multiply rapidly inside your mouth. Saliva is antibacterial, so its secretion deters the growth of bacteria. If you feel the sleeping with your mouth open is the culprit for your halitosis, then try addressing the problem of why you are breathing through your nose when you are asleep. Most of the time, people who breathe through their mouths have nasal problems ranging from allergies to blockage of sinuses.

Sign No. 2: You smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco.

If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to get bad breath, then your best bet is to consume tobacco by smoking or chewing it. Tobacco decreases the saliva secretion in your mouth, allowing for the rampant growth of bacteria.

Sign No. 3: Your tongue is coated with a white layer of film.

The white substance coating your tongue composed of sulphur compounds which give off a foul smell similar to that of rotten eggs. A white film on your tongue is a good indicator of having bad breath.

Sign No. 4: You suffer from gastric reflux.

A person with gastric reflux suffers from gastric acid moving up from the stomach back into the esophagus. This is equivalent to vomiting wherein contents of your stomach are regurgitated, and no one likes how that smells! Unfortunately for people with gastric reflux, the acid that is reintroduced into the esophagus is probably what is causing the halitosis.

Contact Us to help you maintain a fresh, odor-free mouth!