sensitive-teeth3Teeth sensitivity is a problem which affects a majority of Americans. The pain which is associated with teeth sensitivity is extremely sharp which develops just as soon as a stimulus is felt, such as sipping very cold or hot beverage or biting into something which is extremely hard, and resolves almost as immediately as it appears. This very distinct pattern of pain is what sets teeth sensitivity apart from chronic toothache. Whereas toothache lasts for hours or even days, teeth sensitivity resolves right away.

Causes of Teeth Sensitivity

There are a number of causes of tooth sensitivity but the ones listed below are the more common reasons for this dental condition:

Excessive Brushing

While brushing is your primary line of defense against tooth decay, brushing too hard or too frequently can also lead to damage of the enamel layer which will enable external stimulus to move into the heart of the tooth and cause irritation. If this is the reason for your tooth sensitivity, then try to brush more gently using circular strokes which is actually more effective at removal dental debris and plaque, but is inflicts less damage on the enamel layer.

Exposure to Acids

Acidic beverages are everywhere from soda to lemonade. While the acid content in these beverages isn’t that significant, with constant and regular exposure to these drinks, the acid can slowly dissolve the enamel layer. If you want to prevent dissolution of the enamel layer through this manner, try to sip and swish water around your mouth in between sips of soda or cider to cut the exposure of the acids on your teeth.

Teeth Grinding

Also known as bruxism, this is another leading cause of teeth sensitivity. The forces exerted whenever you grind or clench your teeth can lead to the formation of craze lines or very tiny, barely noticeable fractures on the surface of your teeth. These breaks allow the external stimulus within the heart of the tooth and trigger the teeth sensitivity. Mouth guards can help to cushion the teeth from the consequences of clenching or grinding.

Gum Disease

Gum line recession due to gum disease can lead to the exposure of the dentin layer along the dental roots. This layer contains minute pores which lead from this layer down to the heart of the tooth or the pulp layer. Substances can move from this layer all the way to the heart of the tooth.

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